Biggest Hailstone Ever Found In the United States!

     Are you ready for the rains to subside a little bit? I sure am.  To say the least, between the heat and the rain, this has been an interesting summer.

     Did you happen to see South Dakota’s newest title?  Seems that in Vivian on July 23rd a farmer, Les Scott, stepped outside to collect hailstones that set records.  Unfortunately, after he gathered and stored several of them in the freezer, the electricity went out.  It’s funny how that sometimes happens in electrical storms.

     ‘Course, there couldn’t have been too much melting on accounta’ Vivian still captured the titled of Biggest Hailstone Ever Found In the United States. In the end, a person’s gotta’ wonder ’bout a few things, though.

     • If the largest hailstone measured 7″ across and weighed just under two pounds, how big was it Before some of it melted?

     • Did ANY of the cows come home after being bombarded with two-pound hail?  Or were they all knocked unconscious out in the field?

     • How many houses were pummeled to death by such large hail?

     • Can you imagine the bruises that a two pound hailstone would cause?  Why, one more storm like that and the worlds’ population problem would be ended.  Unfortunately, so would the world’s Bread Basket.

     • Are there any birds or small animals left in Vivian and the surrounding area?

     • Will the hens EVER lay eggs again?!?

     • CAN the hens ever lay eggs again?  Are there any hens left?

     • What kind of snowball fight are the Cloud People preparing for, anyway?

     • Just when you thought it was safe to go outside…

     So, ya’ know in the past when people used to build storm shelters for protection from things like tornadoes?  Like, whatever happened to those good ol’ days?

     Yes, I believe I am ready for summer’s rains to end.  ‘Specially, if this is an indication of what’s to come!  I’m afraid we’d all hafta’ find caves to live in, just to protect ourselves from the new, thicker elements.  Be safe, everyone… and wear hard-hats.  Better yet, wear suits of armor.  We’ll all become Knights In Shining, albeit very dented, Armor.

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

~ Yaya


My Baby Forever

     Today, I had a chance to visit with my little boy and I was taken back to when he was a child.  Now, he’s grown an’ travels the world an’ I don’t get to see him very often.  Still, he will always be a little boy, in my mind.  In fact, in my mind, none of my children have grown beyond that marvelous period of childhood.

     If you have children, I’m sure you know what I mean.  Can you ever really forget the first time you laid eyes on any of them?  Its as though a camera went off in my brain and the image is permanently there.  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.  All I know is that I can sit back and watch the videos of times-past and still enjoy bein’ a young mother.

     Once, when I introduced this particular little boy to a friend, I said that he was one of my babies and my friend quickly corrected me, saying, “No, no, Mama.  He’s all grown-up, now.”

     Imagine how thrilled I was when this wunnerful man-child-son of mine responded in this way.  “No, no.  I’ll always be her baby.”

     He So understands my heart. 

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

 ~ Yaya


Peeping Yaya

     Don’t you jus’ love it when you find somethin’ wunnerful that you can share with others?  I’ve been lookin’ around an’ doin’ some checkin’ here an’ there an’ guess what?  I’m not the only one.  Yeah; true story.  At least, that’s the way it would seem by my very involved investigative research.  [read:  I di’n’t feel like doin’ what I shoulda’ been doin’, so checkin’-out other blogs seemed like a great way to avoid havin’ ta’ do anything, whilst still feelin’ like I was accomplishing something.]

     So, here’s the scoop:  I’ve spent a very long time peekin’ in other blog windows, particularly those that had anything at all to do with homemaking, housekeeping, families or anything else that looked like it might offer tidbits of useful advice.  I s’pose you’re beginning to wonder what I’m talkin’ about, aren’t you?

     Well, my good hubby-buddy (jewel that he is) very kindly offered to take care of everything when we moved into our big ol’ 1906 Sears & Roebuck Kit House and he asked only that I take care of my office.  That way, I could do the one thing I’ve always wanted to do; write.  Isn’t he just such a treasure?  He said that was his way of thanking me for all the times I’ve supported him in things he wanted to do.

     ::Blink, blink.  S’cuse me whilst I wipe my eyes; I seem to have somethin’ in both of ’em::  *sniff*
     ‘Course, bein’ the good an’ appreciative wife that I am, I did just as he asked.  Mostly.  Sorta’.

     Ya’ know how sometimes things sneak up on you while you’re not lookin’?  Well, that’s just what happened to me and I am here to tell you, it snuck up with a vengeance!  Who knew that while I was mindin’ my own business writing, creating puzzles an’ starin’ at my computer alla’ time, my office would develop a system of CHAOS?  Its rude, I tell ya’.

     That’s when I got the idea to go peekin’ in other blog windows.  An’ ya’ know what I found?  There are lots of other bloggers who are faced with the same kinda’ rude houses;  CHAOS ensues.

     Then, I wandered over by one home on the web and it was so delightful that I jus’ hadda’ make myself comfortable on the windowsill to observe.  Inside were lottsa’ happy people, chatting and carryin’ on like they really knew how to go at this whole business of life and takin’ care of their homes and families.  I know, right?

     As I investigated further, I was amazed to realize that the home I had found was not just one home, but many, scattered all over the place.  They have a leader, of course, and I decided to keep watchin’ on accounta’ I want my writer’s den to run as smoothly as all those other places do.  I’ve only been lurking around the edges, but already things are better.

     I’m very fortunate to have only one room to look after.  My good hubby-buddy is doin’ an outstanding job with all the rest.  Still, it occurred to me that summa’ you might like to know about this great place, so, here’s the link to learn more.

      Nope!  I’m not benefitting by sharing this with you in any way.  That is, unless you count the fact that my office is beginning to show signs of efficiency and I’m not as stressed out as I used to be.  I do hope you will go take a peek ’cause there’s an awfully lot of harmony being created.  Maybe I’ll see ya’ over there sometime, eh?

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

 ~ Yaya


Do You Have A Dream?

     Have you ever been so wrapped up in a dream that you could think of almost nuthin’ else?  Has hope and anticipation ever eaten at you in such a way as to become a complete distraction in all other areas of your life?  Well, I have and to tell you the truth, its not that much fun.

     Since I was very small, I have wanted to live in the country and experience those things that most people pro’lly don’t even think about.  Or maybe they do and I’m just so wrapped up in my own dream that I don’t notice how intently others are wishing for the same thing.  I recall once when I was about five years old, I was crying over some deep desire to live in the country.  My dad laughed at me ’cause I wanted the log cabin, the horses, cows, chickens and a garden.  In short, I wanted it all.

     Curiously, up until that time in my life, I had only lived in the country for about one year and that was when I was only three.  Naturally, that particular taste of country livin’ had absolutely none of the qualities that I have come to recognize as true country livin’.  In the first place, we were living in Pensacola, Florida and although I am sure there are farmers and ranchers in every state, somehow my vision of farm living has never centered itself anywhere in Florida.  I’ve lived in that state several times, actually, but country living is certainly not the first, second or even, third image that comes to mind when I think of Florida.

     In the second place, in my mind anyway, sand, sand and more sand do not a farm make.  Thus, the Stuck-Out-In-The-Middle-Of-Nowhere place called country where we lived could hardly be called country livin’.  So, where did I acquire this deep desire to live on a farm and taste country livin’?  I’m not sure.  P’rhaps its some deep-seeded carry-over from before I was born; I dunno.  At any rate, even though I have on two different occasions experienced the joy of true country livin’, it is not out of my system.  I still want it.

     Do you have a dream you’ve been harboring for many years; one that just won’t let you go?  I sincerely hope you are blessed with the fulfillment of your dream.  It seems that dreams are the basis for extreme joy or endless heartache; sometimes, both at the same time.  But don’t give up on your dream.  I certainly haven’t given up on mine.  Someday, maybe we’ll meet and we can share how happy we were when we woke up and discovered our dreams were fulfilled.

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

 ~ Yaya


Trained For Nothin’

     I dunno’ ’bout you, but I have worked at many different professions in my young life (said with tongue in cheek).  When I was fifteen, I thought I could earn the money it would take to go to college.  With a brain-load of optimism, I set out to find work.  My search was successful when I managed to find employment in a book store, working weekends and after school.  Trouble was, no matter when I arrived at work, the owners were never there.  Sometimes, they didn’t show up for as many as five hours after the scheduled opening time.  And they never paid for my time, until I walked through their door.

     I worked for several months, dusting, arranging and waiting… lots and lots of waiting… for the owners to show up and open the doors.  Since my official pay was 50 cents per hour and I spent many, many hours waiting outside for the store to open, I did not earn a great lot of money.  However, I did learn that Dusting Books would not be my Profession of Choice.

     When we moved to another state, I was given the interesting opportunity to learn how to be an assistant manager in a large trailer park.  That is to say, I did all the work of an assistant manager; ‘just didn’t get the big bucks for my efforts.  In fact, my exact pay was $20- per week for doing all the work that the title entailed and putting in between 30 and 60 hours per week.

     Again, we moved and my next job was as a carhop in an A&W Drive-In Restaurant.  My pay-rate had climbed back UP to 50 cents per hour and my hours increased.  I was fortunate in learning in only a few months that Serving Food to People In Cars was also not my Dream Career.  I kept looking.

     Fresh out of high school and armed with that All-Powerful Diploma, I was able to then walk into a fine establishment and claim the job of my choosing… Not!  My diploma left me with zero capabilities for facing life, head-on.  Having lived in so many different places and gone to so many different schools, I was perfectly trained for… wait for it… wait for it… NOTHING.  So, for approximately thirty seconds after graduation, I felt on top of the world.

     Then came the realization that a General Education did not mean that I knew something about Generally Everything.  No, it simply provided proof that I had survived more schools and more teachers than any other person I’ve ever met.  In short, none of the various positions of employment has made me rich or famous; both of which I was sure I would be within a week after graduation.  No problem.  Although fame and fortune have eluded me in many ways, I feel as the author Jack Kent did, “I’m world-famous for BLOCKS around.” Still, I have food on the table, a roof over my head and valued friends at every turn.

     But there’s more; I know just how hard postal employees hafta’ work for the small amount of pay they receive (you thought differently, didn’t you?) and I can tell you precisely what it takes to fill your typewriter or computer keyboard keys so they look so purty and work so well.  I have also soldered, wired, laced and worked on computers from the inside-out, having actually sat inside giant sections of computers that collectively filled the space of whole buildings.  Not quite the laptop tool of today.

     When I hear someone talk about their college days, I yearn for that higher degree that I never did manage to save enough money for.  On the other hand, my education has not stopped and I am thankful for every new bit of knowledge gained.  Perhaps someday, I can give you some pointers on how to build a French Cafe.

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

 ~ Yaya