I’m almost not ready for Christmas

     Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  Christmas is coming an’ I am soooo ready for the fun.  Oh… what?  No, no; I’m not Santa Claus.  Sorry; I didn’t mean to confuse you.  I’m just in a jolly holiday spirit an’ thought I’d borrow Santa’s famous line.  Is my voice getting that deep?  hahahaha.  I guess you couldn’t see me when I called out, “Ho!  Ho!  Ho!”  I can un’erstan’ how you might’ve gotten me mixed up with Ol’ Saint Nick, but no… it’s jus’ me… Yaya.

     Are you ready for Christmas?  Am I ready?  Nah!  Well, I guess I am an’ I’m not.  I’m as anxious as a kid an’ pro’lly twice as annoying in my anticipation.  But there are still so many things to take care of.  We don’t even have our tree up, yet.  No decorations.  Hardly any ‘uh the shopping is done.  I haven’t been blogging as much as I’d like to.  An’ on top ‘uh alla’ that, I dunno’ where to start in my efforts to get ready.

     Oh!  My!  Goodness!  Lookie there.  Your house looks so fine, all decorated up for the holidays.  Don’tcha’ wanna’ come on over here an’ give me some pointers?  On the plus side, I do think we will be warm this winter.  Last year, we hadda’ deal with an Attitude from the forces of nature, so you might say we were climate-ally challenged.  However, I married the right dude ’cause my good hubby-buddy has been a reg’lar ‘Mr. Fix-it’ an’ I think Ol’ Man Winter is gonna’ have a hard time pushing snow into our house, this year.  In fact, I think even the cold is gonna’ have a hard time finding a path into our house, this year.

     Now, about that request for you to come on over an’ help me decorate… how soon do ya’ think I can expect you to be here?  Shall I make us some hot cocoa an’ store-bought homemade cookies?  I’m really good at making those.  At least, I know how to put ’em on my own plate or in my cookie jar.  I tell the grandies they’re homemade oreos.  I’m not sure they still b’lieve me, but they’ve learned to keep it to themselves so as not to hurt my feelings.

     Now, as they say in that one commercial… I’ll leave the light on for you.

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

~ Yaya

5 thoughts on “I’m almost not ready for Christmas

  1. Hey Yaya! It's been so long! I've been missing you. It' neat that your blog popped up when I came on line here. As far as decorating for Christmas, no such thing here. We haven't even put a tree up. Hubby says there no sense in it with nothing to go underneath. We are saving our's until January. That's when he's taking me to Jamaica for a week. I can't wait nice WARM weather! He and I are both ready to get out of this cold, and it hasn't even been cold that long. I think our bones are hurting in anticipation of the onslaught of winter. Hubby says next November we are going to turn into "snowbirds" and go to Florida for the Winter months.God Bless,PJ

  2. hi miss yaya! i still got my little tree up and i been enjoying looking at it all year. for decorations all we gotta do is plug in the lights thats round the windows and whamo its christmas! yikes! how lazy is that! ha ha. if i lived close by you id come over and help you do decorations and for sure i could like a big cup of hot chocolate. …hugs from lenny

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