My Baby Forever

     Today, I had a chance to visit with my little boy and I was taken back to when he was a child.  Now, he’s grown an’ travels the world an’ I don’t get to see him very often.  Still, he will always be a little boy, in my mind.  In fact, in my mind, none of my children have grown beyond that marvelous period of childhood.

     If you have children, I’m sure you know what I mean.  Can you ever really forget the first time you laid eyes on any of them?  Its as though a camera went off in my brain and the image is permanently there.  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.  All I know is that I can sit back and watch the videos of times-past and still enjoy bein’ a young mother.

     Once, when I introduced this particular little boy to a friend, I said that he was one of my babies and my friend quickly corrected me, saying, “No, no, Mama.  He’s all grown-up, now.”

     Imagine how thrilled I was when this wunnerful man-child-son of mine responded in this way.  “No, no.  I’ll always be her baby.”

     He So understands my heart. 

     Until the next time, keep a hug on.

 ~ Yaya

10 thoughts on “My Baby Forever

  1. You know, I was sure I had responded to Lynn's comment. It would seem that I must've left my brain out in the rain to dry 'cause I surely don't see my comment on here. Sorry, Lynn.Yes, I wish you were here. I had an… interesting day; that's for sure. ~ Yaya

  2. Beverly, you do know that feeling, don't you? And Lynn, too. Our babies can never grow up; not really. I'm sure it must be against some kind of Law of Nature or sumptin', don'tcha' think? LOL ~ Yaya

  3. Somehow, whenever I look at one of my children or grandies, the image that shows up is not the one that represents who they are today. Rather, what I see is that sweet little baby who wrapped his or her arms around my neck and said, "I love you, Mama."My youngest is 31 and if I haven't changed my thinking by now, I kinda' don't think its gonna' happen anytime soon. They'll always be my babies. ~ Yaya

  4. I regularly remind my girls that they will *always* be my babies. They usually give me a special little smile when I tell them that. I think they like the idea as much as I do.I got an email saying you were following me on blogfrog. I'm glad I came over to check out your blog-it's very nice!

  5. Reminds me of the best book gift I have ever received for both of my baby boys (now 6 & 4) from their Nonna. The title is "Love You Forever". I can never get through the darn book without crying! "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be!"Thanks so much for the wonderful post!

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